School of Practical Politics

Get Schooled in Practical Politics

ACT’s School of Practical Politics (SOPP) provides tools that allow ACT candidates and ACTivists to join the frontline of the 2023 General Election. The SOPP is undertaken online and involves presentations by our MPs and campaigning experts and frequent interactive sessions involving all participants.

Sound like you?

We’re inviting candidates and ACTivists to join our April 2023 SOPP, which commences on Sunday, 2 April. As we are now almost into full campaign mode, the relevance of the course cannot be overstated. To ensure participants get the most from the course, only 30 places are available in the April course and are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Aiming to become a candidate?

SOPP is the first vital step in the ACT candidate development programme. Every member invited to the April 2023 SOPP has registered as a candidate or participated in numerous recent campaign events - including by-elections. Some have done both! All potential candidates must complete the SOPP to progress further.

What to expect

You’ll learn more about the principles and practicalities of campaigning and ACT’s campaign style.

You will develop new and highly transferable skills that will play a part in helping you to help ACT to achieve a decisive election result. We always emphasise the value of a strong team.

And it’s a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people in a warm, collegial forum, where it’s safe to be yourself and have your say.

The SOPP consists of eight 1.5hr Zoom modules, presented over six weeks, and two modules are presented during each of the Sunday classes, on 2 and 30 April:

  • Sunday, 2 April: Introduction & Body Language and Persuasion
  • Monday, 3 April: Productive Conversations
  • Tuesday 11 April: Public Policy & the role of Government
  • Monday, 17 April: Tribalism
  • Monday, 24 April: Media
  • Sunday, 30 April: Campaigning & Candidates and ACTivate

The April 2023 SOPP will commence on 2 April with two classes, starting at 10.30 am. Weekday classroom sessions will run from 7.00 pm to 8:30 pm. Reading materials are provided to ensure you can prepare for each class. The course costs $45 and covers administration costs and course materials. You can register and pay the course fee here. A link to the first Zoom class will be sent to you after receiving the course fee. Registration Closes Friday, 31 March 2023. Remember: the April 2023 SOPP is limited to 30 participants, and all candidates must complete the School of Practical Politics.


April 02, 2023 at 10:30am - 1:30pm


Styan Barron ·

Will you come?

This is a ticketed event. Select how many of each ticket type you would like to purchase: