James McDowall for Hamilton West

A vote for James will send a message to the Government that it’s time for real change.

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Hamilton West faces some real challenges at the moment, particularly with rising violent crime, the increasing cost of living and the co-governance of everything. A vote for James will show that government that it’s time to address these issues.

James is campaigning on ACT’s policies of

  • Introducing ankle bracelets for serious and violent youth offenders
  • Tax relief for hardworking New Zealanders
  • A referendum on co-governance.

About James

James studied at the University of Waikato and has strong connections to Hamilton. He has owned a number of small businesses throughout his career, and currently co-owns an immigration law firm. Prior to entering Parliament, he worked for a large NGO in the mental health sector. He has a young, multicultural family and is based in the Waikato. At home, James’ family speak a mix of Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.

James is a classical liberal who is highly sceptical of Government intervention in both the economy and in people’s personal lives. His experience in business and the community sector has taught him that Government has a role but when it oversteps that role it becomes part of the problem rather than the solution.

“James is a talented and intelligent man. Since entering Parliament, he has developed two Member’s Bills and released a Defence Policy and an Immigration Policy. His first Member’s Bill protected Free Speech at universities and the other would reintroduce 90-Day Trial Periods.” – David Seymour, ACT Party Leader